Help! Who am I?
( all 2 of you...maybe down to one...)
I have been noticeably absent from actively posting any new items lately. Let me tell you why.
After 9/11 , many airlines fell apart, first by the mandatory stoppage of flying for the first 3 days, then by the fear of flying, compounded by the resulting high fees of jet fuel. My airline's management came right out and admitted that they had never produced a Plan B, because what the terrorists had done that day, had never been imagined...( how I wish Stephen King was on my management team...I'd still have a job). I was publicly pissed at this oversight, mainly due to the fact that this ' team' hired by the board of directors, was highly highly paid ( many millions to each of them)...I feel that if you are pulling 7 figures down, some one should be creative and have enough FORESIGHT to produce a plan for the unimagineable..... they continued on a quick trip through bankruptcy ( I guess that is what the Wharton School of Business uses a a'Plan B'.)
So here I am, 5 years later, an unemployed ( okay, I took a buy out to leave- if I had even 1% of what the board offered the imbecils who lead us into bankruptcy, I could've retired, paid off all the bills and never been heard from again.!) As it is, I saw the opportunity as the only one they would offer ( which they did) and chose to leave an industry I thrived upon.
So here I am, going through assessment testing and career counseling, to see where I will fit best into the job market, and still be as happy as I can be......they have been super dupersuccessful in dealing with me and my personality, which is changing as often as the tides. So after all this testing, to help me figure out what I want to be when I grow up, it is agreed upon, that I would challenge some very competent instructors and force them to make me a " Microsoft Office Specialist"...... ( MOS for short) Upon completion of this rigorous full time 19 week course, I will emerge with a certificate worthy of employment. ( Are you listening Lord? I am relying heavily on you, as always!)
So now, I will enter into school in July and after November, will start pounding the pavement at doors who have openings in the Human Resource department...( the area where I test the highest, being with others, go figure!) In case that all falls apart, I do have a Real Estate License for the state of PA and I will start begging people to give me their house keys in exchange for 6 % of the home sale.....fair, right? ha ha...of COURSE it's fair, I'll be a MOS, remember?
Oh the joys of the unknown....I absolutely love to dwell in the me...may be the name of my new company!
Off to the golf course, to work in the Pro shop. I seem to be too old to be bartending, so I have settled for handling the money before you are in a bad mood, and not after.
Warmest regards,
future MOS